Thursday 29 January 2015

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine has helped people overcome a variety of medical conditions. This ancient form of medicine incorporates Taoism practices, including herbology, acupressure, therapeutic massage, visualization and meditation. The following article will explain several oriental medicine traditions.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbology uses the various parts of native plants for medicinal purposes. Chinese herbs help prevent illness and help the body overcome disease. Herbal remedies are manufactured by blending a variety of plant components together. These blends help correct any imbalances and help to improve mental focus and immunity. 

 Chinese herbs can be taken internally or applied topically depending on the type of condition the patient has. Poultices made with herbs can help alleviate bruises, improve burns and correct other types of skin irritations. Chinese herbs taken internally can be formulated into liquid extracts, tablets, capsules, powders or teas.
Restore Balance
Chinese medicine corrects bodily imbalances. Imbalances can occur because of nutritional deficiencies, illness and environmental toxins. Chinese herbal medicine incorporates ancient Taoism philosophies. These philosophies incorporate massage, herbal remedies and acupuncture to help bring harmony to the body and its surroundings. By restoring balance of nutrients, hormones and ridding the body of environmental toxins, the body becomes capable of fighting off disease and remains healthy. 
Restorative services may also include therapeutic massage. Therapeutic massage works each tissue group and helps to remove toxins from the muscles. Once the massage is completed, the massage therapist will advise you to drink a lot of water. This will help flush the toxins that were released during the massage.
Another Chinese technique that helps balance the body is meditation. Meditation allows you to alleviate stress from the body. Studies have shown that stress can cause a plethora of medical conditions, including heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. By eliminating stress from your life, you can help keep your body healthy.

The Whole Person Philosophy
Traditional Chinese Medicine takes a whole body into consideration instead of focusing on the effects of the disease. By bringing the body back into harmony with its surroundings and with itself, a patient can attain well-being and peace. When the body is at peace, it can successfully heal itself when an illness strikes.

 TCM believes the body is made up of five distinctive elements- fire, metal, water, earth and wood. Additionally, practitioners believe that the body’s Qi, or energy, must be aligned for health. The body’s energy is comprised of two forces. These two forces are called yin and yang. These two forces must be in harmony; otherwise, the body is not balanced and a person’s health can become compromised.

Acupuncture alleviates pain and tension in the body. This form of treatment is performed using extremely fine needles. Although this technique sounds painful, it is actually very relaxing. The needles help loosen muscle groups, relieve stress and rid the body of toxins.

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners incorporate dietary changes, deep breathing exercises, therapeutic massage and herbs when dealing with illnesses and diseases. Western physicians are beginning to realize the benefits of oriental based medicine. Many Western practitioners are beginning to complement conventional medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine to heal patients and prevent disease from occurring.

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