Sunday 13 December 2020

5 Ways to Lower Cortisol Naturally

 You have probably seen commercials or heard your friends or family talking about cortisol and the stress hormones. What is cortisol and how can you lower cortisol naturally to improve your weight loss efforts? Here are some useful tips.

Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone and is key to a number of bodily functions. When you experience chronic stress, the adrenal glands continually produce and release cortisol which aids in:

  • Regulating your sleep and wake cyclesFibromyalgia treatment in Northern Virginia
  • Managing how your body uses proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
  • Reducing systemic inflammation
  • Controlling your blood pressure

Three different glands control the amount of cortisol released into the body – the adrenal gland, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary gland. These work together to determine how much cortisol needs to be produced. In addition to stress, cortisol levels can also become elevated with a tumor on the adrenal gland or due to certain medications.

Symptoms of High Cortisol

When cortisol levels are imbalanced for a long period of time, the immune system, cardiovascular system, reproductive system, and digestive system become compromised. Furthermore, systemic inflammation, belly fat, and weight can increase exponentially.

  • Belly Fat – Cortisol affects where you store weight and can contribute to weight gain. With elevated levels, a person is more tempted to overeat and crave foods that are high in calories, sugar, and fat.
  • Cardiovascular Disease – When the body is constantly on alert and the flight or fight response is activated, heart rate increases and blood pressure spikes. This chronic stress cycle can eventually take its toll on the heart and increase the risk of heart disease.metabolic syndrome treatment
  • Decreased Sex Drive – Elevated cortisol levels in men cause testosterone levels to decline and prevent the testicles from properly reacting to testosterone. In women, high levels cause hormonal imbalances, resulting in an irregular menstrual cycle and low libido.
  • Digestive Disorders – You may experience a number of digestive issues including irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, abdominal bloating, pain, and gas.
  • Insomnia – Cortisol is naturally high in the morning and declines throughout the day. With chronic stress, the levels may remain high throughout the evening and night as well resulting in insomnia.
  • Reduced Immunity – When cortisol levels are high, you body loses its ability to regulate the immune system. it leads to systemic inflammation and the body’s ability to fight off illness and disease declines.

How to Lower Your Stress Hormones Naturally?

There are several ways you can help rebalance your cortisol levels.

  • Nutritious Diet – Nutrition is critical to your health and can affect how much cortisol is produced by the body. Eating a diet filled with nutritious vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and low glycemic eggs can help nourish your body. Add foods like fish, beans, fruits, sunflower seeds, and whole grain that rich in folic acid and vitamin B5 to help balance cortisol levels. Avoid processed foods, sugar, and white flour. It may help to seek help from a certified nutritionist who can help you with customized meal plans tailored to your needs.leaky gut syndrome
  • Regular Exercise – Regular exercise helps lower cortisol levels and helps you lose weight. When you exercise, your body produces feel good hormones, called endorphins. As these hormones are released, they combat the effects of stress and anxiety on the body, including the adrenal glands. Regular exercise also increases metabolism and help with weight loss.
  • Reduce Caffeine – Many individuals think they need coffee and other caffeinated beverages throughout the day to keep them going; however, studies have shown that caffeine stimulates the production of cortisol and increases blood pressure. It will help to replace your caffeinated beverages with water or a healthy cup of juice.
  • Stress Relief – Stress relief techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help reduce stress. As you lower stress levels, you are able to better relax and get good sleep.
  • Stay Hydrated – We recommend drinking one half of an ounce of fluids (preferably water) for every pound you weigh to avoid dehydration and improve your weight loss efforts.


Our team of integrative specialists can help you lower cortisol naturally, improve your overall health, and also guide you to healthy and sustainable weight loss. Learning how to lower your stress levels along with making simple lifestyle modifications can help restore your health.

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Thursday 10 December 2020

7 Symptoms Of Thyroid Issues

 Your thyroid gland produces hormones that aid in cellular and tissue functions throughout your body. A malfunctioning thyroid gland can result in a number of signs of thyroid issues. If your thyroid does not produce an adequate amount of thyroid hormones, you will be diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Conversely, if too much thyroid hormones are created, you will be diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.

Signs of Thyroid Issues

The American Thyroid Association reports that up to 20 million Americans have a thyroid condition. Unfortunately, an estimated 60 percent of those who have thyroid disease are unaware of their condition. Women are over eight times more likely to have thyroid problems than men. Below are some signs your thyroid may not be functioning properly.

Bowel Changes

The thyroid gland produces hormones that help regulate your digestion. When the thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormones, your digestive system can become sluggish, leading to abdominal cramping, gas, nausea, and constipation. If the thyroid gland is producing too much thyroid hormone, gut motility can increase, resulting in gas, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping.

Brain Fog
Hypothyroidism Condition

Are there days when confusion seems to reign supreme? Does it feel like you are walking around in a fog? If so, your thyroid may not be functioning properly. Hyperthyroidism can interfere with your ability to focus. Hypothyroidism, on the other hand, can cause forgetfulness and brain fog.


A goiter is a painless, abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland or the surrounding tissues. This swelling can be caused by hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, cancer, or a cause that is unrelated to the thyroid. Typically, a goiter causes no problems; however, if the goiter becomes large, you may experience a dry cough, experience breathing difficulties, or it can become difficult for you to swallow.


Hypothyroidism can affect your ovulation cycle, resulting in infertility. When you have low thyroid hormones, your body may not release an egg. Those with hyperthyroidism can have an irregular period, which is lighter than normal. Hyperthyroid women may have trouble conceiving, experience miscarriages, or their baby can experience health issues while in the womb.

Sleep Problems
Adrenal Fatigue

Thyroid conditions can interfere with your sleep. When you suffer from hyperthyroidism, different body functions increase, which can cause you to feel jittery or wired. You may experience a racing pulse and anxious thoughts which can prevent you from getting to sleep. With hypothyroidism, your thyroid gland does not make an ample amount of thyroid hormone, which can cause you to feel exhausted or fatigued, even after getting a full night’s sleep.

Temperature Issues

If you have a thyroid issue, your body may have difficulty regulating your core temperature. When your thyroid overproduces thyroid hormones, your core temperature can rise, which can cause you to feel hot all of the time. Conversely, when the thyroid gland underproduces thyroid hormones, your core body temperature decreases, which can make you feel cold most of the time.

Unexplained Weight Gain or Weight Loss

If you experience an unexpected change in your weight, it can be a sign of a problem with your thyroid gland. When your thyroid is not functioning properly and is producing too much thyroid hormone, your metabolism will be ramped up so high that it will be impossible to maintain your body weight. Instead, you will lose weight unexpectedly. If your thyroid is not producing enough thyroid hormone, your metabolism will decrease, your body will begin storing fat, and you will begin gaining weight. Hypothyroidism can make it extremely difficult to lose weight, even with diet and exercise. For help with sustainable weight lossclick here.


Thyroid specialist doctor

Thyroid issues can be treated once a proper diagnosis has been made. This small gland creates hormones that influence every organ and system within the body. There are two thyroid hormones – T3 and T4. Both of these thyroid hormones travel from the thyroid gland to various parts of the body (the heart, brain, liver, skin, bones, etc.) via the bloodstream. When the thyroid hormones get to the various parts of the body, your genes that regulate specific bodily functions are activated. A malfunctioning thyroid gland can affect numerous systems throughout the body, causing a plethora of symptoms. In the beginning, the symptoms can be so mild that you do not even realize that you have a thyroid problem. Over time, these symptoms can worsen. Unfortunately, the symptoms of a malfunctioning thyroid gland can mimic a number of other health issues.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it may be time to have your thyroid checked by an integrative thyroid specialist. In order to diagnose your thyroid condition, a variety of blood tests, along with a physical exam may be required. Thyroid blood tests measure the amount of thyroid hormone in your bloodstream.

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Friday 22 May 2020

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to counter hormonal imbalance

Both men and women are affected by hormonal imbalances. Hormone balancing is the process of restoring the hormonal balance in both women and men after they have reached menopause and andropause, respectively. Hormone Replacement Therapy helps restore your energy and vigor for life.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for menopause

The purpose of this Hormone Therapy in Virginia is to reduce the symptoms caused by reduction in levels of female hormones in the body. This form of treatment is needed by females nearing menopause or those who may have had their ovaries removed through surgery.

Androgen Replacement Therapy

Androgen Replacement Therapy or ART is used to supplement testosterone levels in men. The issue may be attributed to hypogonadism where testes do not produce sufficient levels of this hormone. Another reason for this is aging. 

Administration of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - BHRT - Northern Virginia

There are various types of Hormone Therapy in Virginia. Some of these are – 
       Pellets – 

Pellets are inserted below the skin area and release a constant dosage of hormones. This is done for a period of four months. These hormones are often sourced from plants and create smaller fluctuations in hormone levels. This causes a roller coaster effect on the body. 


This is commonly used to administer estrogen into the body. These also contain traces of progestin. The therapy is either continuous or cyclic in nature. 

       Patches and cream

This can be used to deliver estrogen or testosterone into the body. The patch delivers the hormone to the bloodstream and is often applied on buttocks or abdomen area. 

Thursday 2 April 2015

Acupuncture to Relieve Headaches

Does your life seem to revolve around headaches? If so, acupuncture may be just what you need. Whether you suffer with tension headaches, cluster headaches or migraines, you can find relief by visiting a licensed acupuncturist. Acupuncture can alleviate pain and diminish the frequency of headaches.

Tension Headaches
Tension headaches have mild to moderate diffuse, dull pain. Sufferers may experience pressure along their foreheads and back of their heads. In addition, the neck and shoulder muscles can be tender. Tension headaches are mainly caused by stress.

Acupuncturists often apply needles to a point called Gall Bladder 20 (located at the base of the skull) to help alleviate the pain associated with tension headaches. Other local and distal point are chosen to relax the muscles in the face, neck and shoulders, thus diminishing the amount of tension and stress in the body.

Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches occur in clusters. This headache usually begins with intense, sharp, stabbing pain that can be debilitating. Unlike tension headaches, cluster headaches are only felt on one side of the head. Cluster headaches normally occur every day for weeks at a time.
The pain usually begins at approximately the same time each day and can last for as little as 15 minutes to as long as 3 hours. Most sufferers report that the headache usually begins an hour or two after retiring for the night.

Acupuncturists believe that pain occurs when energy is not properly flowing. The practitioner will insert needles along the shoulders, neck, ears and face to help restore the natural flow of Qi to relieve pain and prevent further headaches.

Migraines cause a pulsing sensation coupled with throbbing pain on one area of the head. This type of headache is often accompanied by sensitivities to lights and sounds, nausea and vomiting. The pain can last for days and the only thing that helps is to lie down in a quiet room.

Acupuncture can be used to help relieve the symptoms of migraine headache and may help prevent them from recurring. If a patient comes in with a migraine, the acupuncturist may choose non-needle techniques such as cupping or gwa sha in addition to needles on arms, back, legs, feet and hands to help relieve the severe pain migraines bring. Points on the head may or may not be chosen to needle depending on the entirety of symptoms a patient is experiencing.

You can live a life free of constant headaches by incorporating acupuncture into your life. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat headaches. Several studies have shown that patients who suffer from frequent headaches can decrease the number of headaches dramatically with acupuncture. If you are ready to stop living with headaches, visit an acupuncturist to find relief of recurrent headaches.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine has helped people overcome a variety of medical conditions. This ancient form of medicine incorporates Taoism practices, including herbology, acupressure, therapeutic massage, visualization and meditation. The following article will explain several oriental medicine traditions.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbology uses the various parts of native plants for medicinal purposes. Chinese herbs help prevent illness and help the body overcome disease. Herbal remedies are manufactured by blending a variety of plant components together. These blends help correct any imbalances and help to improve mental focus and immunity. 

 Chinese herbs can be taken internally or applied topically depending on the type of condition the patient has. Poultices made with herbs can help alleviate bruises, improve burns and correct other types of skin irritations. Chinese herbs taken internally can be formulated into liquid extracts, tablets, capsules, powders or teas.
Restore Balance
Chinese medicine corrects bodily imbalances. Imbalances can occur because of nutritional deficiencies, illness and environmental toxins. Chinese herbal medicine incorporates ancient Taoism philosophies. These philosophies incorporate massage, herbal remedies and acupuncture to help bring harmony to the body and its surroundings. By restoring balance of nutrients, hormones and ridding the body of environmental toxins, the body becomes capable of fighting off disease and remains healthy. 
Restorative services may also include therapeutic massage. Therapeutic massage works each tissue group and helps to remove toxins from the muscles. Once the massage is completed, the massage therapist will advise you to drink a lot of water. This will help flush the toxins that were released during the massage.
Another Chinese technique that helps balance the body is meditation. Meditation allows you to alleviate stress from the body. Studies have shown that stress can cause a plethora of medical conditions, including heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. By eliminating stress from your life, you can help keep your body healthy.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Are You Suffering From Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue occurs when a patient’s adrenal glands do not function at the levels they need to. This medical condition has been associated with extended periods of stress and chronic respiratory infections. Fatigue is the main symptom with this illness; however, patients may experience a general feeling of malaise. Many patients use energy drinks, caffeinated drinks, and other stimulants to help them cope with the fatigue associated with this disorder.
Patient’s suffering from adrenal fatigue may have trouble getting out of bed due to the fatigue. Troubles may begin to arise in the cardiovascular system. The body may be unable to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins and this can create changes throughout the body.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Symptoms of adrenal fatigue vary from patient to patient. Sometimes patients will develop a rash, at other times patients may exhibit overwhelming sleepiness throughout out the day. Fatigue, low blood pressure, and loss of body hair are also symptoms of adrenal fatigue. People suffering with adrenal fatigue may crave for sweet and salty foods.
Adrenal fatigue patients often have a hard time recuperating from common illnesses, such as the flu or the common cold. Extreme weight loss is another symptom of adrenal fatigue. Patients may also complain of body aches and pains when they are suffering with adrenal fatigue. They require high amounts of caffeine to keep them awake during the day.

Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

There are four main causes for adrenal fatigue - stress, illness, toxins and events that place strain on the body.
Adrenal fatigue occurs when the patient’s adrenal glands cannot produce efficient hormones during times of intense stress. Additionally, intense stress can cause patients to experience numerous physical discomforts, including pain, rapid heart rate and insomnia. Physician’s recommend patients to limit the amount of stress they are under. This can be done by limiting the number of obligations outside of work, spending time with family and enjoying a hobby.
Researchers have discovered that respiratory illnesses and infections may cause adrenal fatigue. Some people suffering from allergies also experience adrenal fatigue. This may be related to the immune system’s need to produce extra killer cells; thus, causing the adrenal glands to work harder.
Everyone knows how toxins, pollution and chemicals negatively affect the body. Common toxins found in non-organic foods, the air and the chemicals in cleaning supplies can all cause damage to the adrenal glands resulting in adrenal fatigue. The length of time patients are exposed to these toxins, the greater the chances of developing adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue
Finally, there are many events that can contribute to adrenal fatigue. Anytime the body undergoes major changes, it can cause changes in the hormones. Examples of major events that can cause adrenal fatigue include malnutrition, drug addiction and major surgeries.
When patients’ adrenal glands do not function properly, a plethora of medical conditions can occur including sex dysfunction, body aches, cravings, extreme weight loss and fatigue. Patients exhibiting these symptoms should have their adrenal functions tested by a physician.

Friday 9 January 2015

Healthy Stress vs Unhealthy Stress

Stress is a natural response of the body to the various demands we place on it.  There is a distinction between healthy stress and unhealthy stress.  Healthy stress is what we use when are under pressure, whether on our jobs, during an athletic event, or needing to make a quick split decision in traffic. These stress-ors keep us alert and motivated, and support our body’s strength and vitality.  Unhealthy stress, such as negative emotions and thinking, overexertion, poor eating habits, lack of sleep, and environmental pollutants all challenge our health and can trigger physical and emotional problems, particularly if experienced over a prolonged period of time.

Chronic Stress Leads to What?

Today, we don’t have to look much farther than our window, computer screen or television to view various stress-ors ranging from prime time news, road rage, talk of terrorism to the demands of personal and business life.  Modern day stress is an unrelenting experience that undermines our mind and body.  Often anxiety, irritability, insomnia and digestive disorders are the consequence of chronic stress. Over time, these manifestations of chronic stress can progress into more serious health conditions that compels us to seek out convenient interventions like pharmaceutical medications.